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Speech to Text Reporters / Palantypists

An STTR/palantypist produces a computerised verbatim (word for word) record of everything that is said between a Deaf and a hearing person.

This is a method regularly used in conferences and events where a text version of dialogue is displayed on a large screen in real time.

They provide a complete translation of the spoken words and surroundings for example laughter and applause. Watching the screen is very similar to having subtitles at your event or meeting.

We have an extensive network of registered freelance STTRs/palantypists who can work in any domain required.

We ensure that all our STTRs/palantypists:

  • Are NRCPD/AVSTTR Registered or BIVR Qualified Real-time Reporters
  • Have an up-to-date DBS certificate
  • Have Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)

As well as being experienced and professional, our palantypists we provide are friendly and easy to work with too.

Contact us to book an interpreter

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